What is the secret to looking good and staying youthful? If I had to definate answer to that, Im sure I would be retired living on an island somewhere. But instead I am working with both woman and men daily, helping them manage the stress, the aging process and the effect it has on the body with the use of acupuncture. Cosmetic or Facial acupuncture is a growing trend amongst anyone seeking younger-looking skin and a healthier glowing complexion.
Acupuncture itself, has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety conditions. It is performed by inserting acupuncture points that lie along the body’s meridians (channels of energy) in order to improve the flow of Qi (life force) to achieve optimum health.
Preliminary studies have shown that acupuncture can help to increase both water and oil content which enhance the appearance of skin. It is a safe and effective non-surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging.
Some possible benefits include:
– Reduce or eliminate fine lines (ie. frown lines, crow’s feet)
– Soften deep wrinkles
– improves collagen production
– Help lift sagging skin
– Reduce or eliminate puffy eyes and dark circles
– Relaxes muscle tone
– Tightens pores
– Evens facial complexion and tone
– Soften scars
Although not a replacement for a surgical facelift, Cosmetic Acupuncture is an excellent alternative. It is more cost effective and is a safe, virtually painless procedure.
For more information or to book a consult contact me at info@drnekessaremy.com or call me at the office 416-777-9355
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