back to school

4 Quick & Easy Snacks for Kids

4 Quick & Easy Snacks for Kids

Preparing healthy snacks for your kids can sometimes give you stress when it comes to choosing between recipes that children find tasty but would also give them the energy they need to perform different school activities. Below are 5 healthy snacks that offer both taste and nutrition. Continue Reading…

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Playing It Safe for Back-to-School

Playing It Safe for Back-to-School

Photo credit – Wikimedia

Back-to-school is the best time for children to be introduced to different sports and other fitness activities. It is important for children to become engaged in different forms of athletics at an early age to develop a long-term active lifestyle and they also learn to work as part of a team and socialize with other children. Continue Reading…

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Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
Dr Nekessa Remy

My mission for this website is based on my belief that Healthy Living is a RIGHT and not a PRIVILEGE. A Healthy lifestyle should be attainable to anybody who wants it. It is our right to have the information we need to make healthy choices and to ultimately be in control of our own health. Be our own HEALTH ADVOCATES! Here, you will be provided with only the most relevant and accessible information. Take from it what you need. I am here to be your biggest support, your champion and your guide to a journey of healthy living. So let’s get started!

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